Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is CHCSI?
CHCSI (Camino Heights Community Services Inc.) is a non-profit corporation that was created to protect and preserve the 39+ acres of open space that currently sits within the Camino Heights and Camino Hills neighborhoods of Camino, CA. For more information see the history of the open space and CHCSI’s mission.

Is the Camino Heights Open Space now open to the public?
No, the open space is private property owned by CHCSI (Camino Heights Community Services Inc.) CHCSI requests that Camino Heights/Camino Hills homeowners and neighbors who wish to use the open space (for walking, jogging etc.) first become a member of CHCSI or make a donation. These funds help us maintain the liability insurance necessary for the property.

What happened to the Camino Heights Golf Course?
In 2017, the owners of the Camino Heights Golf Course put the business up for sale. The owners owned 2 acres of land adjacent to the open space that housed the club house, golf carts, and parking. The open space was leased by the golf course and therefore was not part of the sale. While a new owner could not be found to take over the golf course business, the 2 acres of land was sold in September 2017 to Eric and Emily Hays who opened the Chateau Davell Winery on the site.

Will there ever be a golf course in Camino Heights/Camino Hills again?
CHCSI and its voting members are open to leasing the open space again in order to generate revenue to be used to maintain the open space. This could include a golf course if a business owner wished to pursue this, but no interest has been expressed at this time.

Will the grass be irrigated/watered during the summer months?
One of the benefits of leasing the open space to a private business (such as a golf course) is the revenue generated that could pay for additional upkeep and maintenance of the open space. The cost to keep the grass watered and green year-round is far more than the revenue currently being generated by CHCSI. In the future we could identify a smaller piece of the open space that could be watered for the enjoyment of the community if sufficient funds were to become available through donations or lease revenue. The voting members of CHCSI would make that decision.

How can I get involved?
If you are a resident of the Camino Heights or Camino Hills neighborhoods we would love to hear from you. First and foremost, we encourage you to become a member of CHCSI. The voting members will decide how we make improvements to the open space that will benefit the entire community. There are many volunteer opportunities as we have exciting plans for the future.